Criminal Law/Defense Attorney

Law Office Of Jerry L. Garner

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Attorney Serving Evansville and Rockport, Indiana


I Will Fight For YOUR Rights!

You deserve an aggressive legal defense. You deserve prompt, effective communication with your attorney. You deserve JUSTICE! Let me fight for your rights. Call, email or text me today.


Contact Us Now


223 Main Street
Rockport, IN 47635

Office Hours
By Appointment Only

Call or Text
(812) 301-6221



Put Your Trust In Me

”As a lawyer and former FBI Special Agent for over twenty-three years, I have spent my entire adult life advocating and protecting the rights of others. Let me do the same for you. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime – or if you anticipate being arrested or charged with a crime – please contact me at any time.”


Typical Criminal Practice Areas - Felony & Misdemeanor Crimes (Indiana State and Federal Courts)

Drug dealing/possession

These cases account for the vast majority of all state court cases (either directly or indirectly). Many drug cases involve simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time - like inside a friend’s car or apartment. Careful constitutiional and procedural analysis is required to achieve a just outcome.

owi (DUI - alcohol/Drugs)

These cases require a lot of effort (and knowledge) to properly defend. Don’t simply settle for what the “machine” says!

sex-related crimes

These cases are perhaps the most difficult to defend. The “system” effectively requires the accused to prove his or her innocence! An aggressive legal defense is always required.

crimes of violence/battery/domestic violence

Always emotionally charged, these cases can be quite difficult to defend. Self-defense is often alleged and requires sufficient evidence to establish.

property crimes/theft

These cases often involve eyewitness testimony and/or surveillance video evidence. This evidence is sometimes questionable and requires a thorough investigative and legal analysis.

White collar crime/fraud/corruption

Criminal intent is often the critical issue involved in these cases. They can be very complex and require careful legal analysis.


Fairness is what justice really is.
— Potter Stewart (Former United States Supreme Court Jusice)


Let's Discuss Your Criminal Case